objective outcome
(objective measure)
— An outcome less open to interpretation by potentially biased observers; … (read more)
— In treatment comparisons, a statistical measure of the number of people in a treatment comparison group experiencing an outcome divided by the number not experiencing it; … (read more)
odds ratio
— A statistical measure of the odds of an outcome in one treatment comparison group divided by the odds in another comparison group; … (read more)
odds ratio, diagnostic see diagnostic odds ratio
— The odds of someone with the target condition of interest having a positive diagnostic test divided by the odds of someone without the condition having a positive diagnostic test; … (read more)
(outcome measure)
— In treatment comparisons, a good or bad event or development that can happen after a treatment, and is measurable in studies; … (read more)
outcome measured on a scale
(continuous outcome)
— Outcomes in a study measured on a scale with a potentially infinite number of possible values within a given range; … (read more)
outcome, dichotomous see yes/no outcomes
(dichotomous outcome)
— Outcomes for which there are two possibilities, e.g. pregnant or not pregnant; … (read more)
outcome, primary see primary outcome
(main outcome, primary end point,)
— Outcomes measured in treatment comparisons, which have been pre-specified as the most important in looking for potential benefits or harms of the treatments being compared; … (read more)
outcome, secondary see secondary outcome
— Outcomes measured in a study, which were pre-specified as less important than the primary outcomes; … (read more)
outcome, surrogate see surrogate outcome
(proxy outcome, substitute outcome)
— Outcomes measured in a study, which are not of direct practical importance but are believed to reflect outcomes that are important; … (read more)
(disease mongering, medicalization, pathologization,)
— Diagnosis of a “disease” (e.g. through screening) which will never cause problems during a patient's lifetime; … (read more)
(disease mongering, medicalization, overutilization pathologization, overutilization)
— Unnecessary treatments (e.g. for a condition that causes no symptoms, and will go away on its own), or intensive treatments for a health condition that could be remedied with less intensive treatment; … (read more)